Monday, August 8, 2011

I HaTe YoU BuT I CaNt StOp LoViNg You....


Memories are the best souvenirs.
Parting of loving someone
is learning to let go.
Take a look at what you have.
Think of all you did to get it.
Remember it only takes one second to lose.
It's better to be with no one
than to be with the wrong one.
Happiness is the best revenge!!!
Should I hate you because you hurt me?
Or should I love you because
you made me feel special?
Deep down you know it's best for yourself,
but you hate the thought of him
being with someone else.
Now I believe it when people
say love is blind...
'cause I must have been blind
to love a person like you.
Money can't mend a broken heart;
that's Love's job.
One can not truly experience
the beauty of love
without enduring the pain that comes with it
once it is lost.
It hurts to see the one
you love happy with someone else,
but it is more painful to see the
you are with unhappy with you.
The heart does heal and you will love like this again...
only when you do, you will deny you ever felt like this before.
Why am I afraid to lose you when you're not even mine...
You will know that you love someone
when you want him/her to be happy.
Even if that means you're not a part of their happiness.
I was born the day you kissed me,
died the day you left me,
but lived for the time that you loved me....

It hurts a lot when the person you love the most leaves you without saying anything or telling you the reason behind why suddenly the wind change in which you know that you did not did anything wrong to him instead you love him more than your self.Letting go doesn't mean that you don't love him anymore but it that is the only reason that will makes him happy i will not think i will give him what he wants because that's how much i love him but who knows one day he will come back and talk to me again.The most painful part is that he teaches me how to love, to smiles, to be happy in life and leaves me without saying anything.I love you unconditionally and never in my mind that i will regrets the day you came into my life.Im always after your happiness with the rest of your family and im willing to sacrifice my own happiness.I know you just get scared of the situation that happens for the past weeks but im wishing that one day everything will be alright and fall into places and fix the broken part of the friendships that we have in right time.I never get angry nor mad at you...i love you that much just to hurt you and you know that i cannot bear.

Take care always and im always here just a phone call away and ill be there for you.......