Tuesday, July 12, 2011

NoThInG MoRe DaN a ThOuGhT.........

The coolness of the breeze when it caresses your skin,
Faintly remembering the touch of u,
How u coaxed me away from anger,
Remember da loving words when the sadness was unbearable,
U said u would always be there,
Even if the stars in the sky fell,
Such cruel lies those truly were,
The tears I shed the night he left,
I held my pride until he was gone,
Reached my arms to the sky and asked for him to return,
My heart shattered a piece still with u,
Hoping u will come 2 me,
I wished to share one kiss,
So I could remember at least one thing,
Your smell is gone away,
My tears are now in my head,
I lie in my bed watching the empty space,
As my soul disappears into oblivion,
My eyes darken from hurt,
And my heart continues to love you.

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