Sunday, May 8, 2011

ThE DaY ThAt He GaVe YoU To Me,,,,

The day that he gave you to me I was so Thankful & Lucky that once in my life's Journey he gave me an Angel from where I can get my strength and a shoulder to lean and cry on.Enjoying the time and moments that we shared together is the only treasure that I have in life.We never shared a time that were unhappy all the memories we made was so perfect even though we both know that we have an very complicated relationship.And for that reason I know even if were going to end up in both different ways I'm very much sure that whatever happens and wherever you go you will take the memories of me with you and you will never forget it for the rest of your life.I told every body that you fill the missing part of my life and the love that you gave is the one that i was looking for and aside from my ever loving father and my brother who is always there for me you are the one who can really understands and know who really am I.You always gave me the security that i need and the assurance that you will never leave me.I know you love me so much but because of your complicated situation and your unconditional love for your kids you have to set me apart from them.I told myself that its ok at least i have experience and felt the love that i was longing for and we know that we both fight for it but so disappointed that i have trained and teach you how to struggle and fight on the ups and downs and all the trials that will come along the way but yet and still your not that strong enough and the saddest thing is you don't have that much confidence in yourself that you can make it.I remember one day when you told me that i just have to trust you and you will not do anything to break this trust that i gave to you but what happened i gave you the trust and support that you need and you said that MAMI its only a matter of MIND SETTING.I guess i was right again when i told you that the situation is completely different in doing it than saying it and you told me that you will prove it to me. I don't know why i have this attitude and instinct that whenever the men goes in from of me i know already what they are thinking and unfortunately what i said to you i never remember anything that i got wrong.Letting me feel like a princess in your life and leaving with the fairy tales in life which you succeeded and i forget once in my life that there is no such thing exist in this world.Anyway i was so lucky and thankful for the memories that we have and it will remain always in my heart until the day that i die.Thank you for giving your time and effort and the love and cared despite of your situation.Each and every memories will remain an history on both of us.Thank you will be not enough and still you have the same place in my heart until the end.

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