Sunday, May 8, 2011

HaViNg YoU Is ThE GrEaTeSt GiFt AnD ThInG ThAT HaPpEnEd InTo My LiFe,,,,

Having you is the greatest gift and thing that happened into my life which I will cherish and value until the last beat of my heart.You let me feel like a princess in your life and always giving me the security and assurance that i need.And i was having a fairy tales on the loved that you gave and never thought that there is no fairy tales exist in this world.You let me felt the love that i was looking for in which i never felt in my own family except for my ever loving father and my brother who is always there for me.I let you become a priority of my life even though i know that i was only your 2nd higher priority and i accept it with open arms just to have you with me.The day that you ask me to marry you I was the happiest women in the world that's why i told you that even if that will not happen the moment that you thought that you want to give me your name is more than enough for me coz you probe to me that the life is fair and there is still person in this world who can marry a girl like me who faces so many trails in life who can never imagine that i can survive and face it alone.The ultimate goal that i want the day that i accept you again is to help you picking up and gain respect,dignity,trust and confidence in yourself that you can stand alone with your own feet with somebody else beside you to help and i did.I let you feel a real man who can decide for yourself and a powerful than a woman. I'd loved you unconditionally for who you are and i was contented with it and never look for negative aspect that you have.

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