Tuesday, May 10, 2011

No OnE FaLLs InLoVe By ChOiCe....

No one FALLS in love by CHOICE; It's by CHANCE.
No one STAYS in love by CHANCE; It's by WORK.
No one FALLS OUT of love by CHANCE; It's by CHOICE.

I don't know if this quote that i made was the one that you apply to me.Because as far as i know we both decided to stay together and we both plans for our future together.I don't really understand why suddenly the wind change.At first you choose to be with me and you gave that assurance that i have to relax coz whatever happen i will not lose you.I choose  you for such a long time to stay in-love with you even if your not with me and i was so happy when that time came you found me after how many years of searching for me and started again an new life together.As far as i can understand we both choose to be together for the second time and plan everything to be perfect because we both know that we have the same failure on the first marriage that we have because if you don't love me why did you wasted your time searching /looking for me for how many years and after that you will just throw away what we started fighting for.You just prove to them that all of them are right what they are thinking about us.I ask you so many times if you are already sure of that decision you made and you always gave me the same answer that you will not give me up because you loved me so much and your scared to lose me again for the second time.I keep on telling you that i can really give way and sacrifice my own happiness just to see you happy and you keep on telling me that i don't have to do that because you will fight for me and you can bear everything just to probe to me how much you loved me.We both working on the relationship that we have and even if were miles away from each other i do believe that we have a smooth and happy relationship and you even told me that the love that you felt for me goes deeper and deeper everyday.You know very well that i gave you the love that you was looking for and the respect that you deserve and until now i cannot remember anything when it come to misunderstanding.We work so hard for this relationship and i know whatever my obligation to you as your partner except for one thing that i cannot gave to you because I'm miles away from you,I've done it completely.We even both sleep at the same time even though there is 5 hrs difference in time and I'm  waking up in the middle of the night nor wait for the time that you wake up before i could sleep just to make sure that you can do your job and not to be late at your work.I cannot remember anything that I've done wrong to you at this time and that makes me upset.I know to myself that you did not fall out of love to me there might be another reason why it end up like this and that is what i want to know from you.Before I accepted you again in my life for the second time everything is perfect and okay I was leaving my life peacefully and happy knowing that I continue loving you as my choice even if your not with me suddenly you came and teach me how to laugh and smile and put everything in place and you disappear without saying anything.Is that your choice or you don't have any other choice but to follow what the people surrounds you told you to do.I need you to be with me and I miss you and I do still LOVE YOU.....

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