Thursday, May 5, 2011

HoW To HaVe ThE AnSwErs On ThE QuEsTiOnS DaT We HaVe.....

Enjoying our time together is the happiest moment that we both have and if were together we forget everything what is in our mind is only the moment that were together.No fights,arguments,misunderstanding,nor even a discussions happens during that time.We both know from where we put ourselves and how to control nor even the limits that we have.The good thing is that we have so many things in common which makes things smooth for the two of us.Having the same common interest in life is the best thing that we have.But what is the answer for this questions, having the same BLOOD TYPE (O+),BIRTH MONTH,MUSIC'S,FOOD TYPE,FRATERNITY & SORORITY, & etc. which is until now we don't have the answer.I told you before that we might be soul mates.I never kept any secrets from you and your also the same with me coz you know very well that i know how to let you tell me the truth even if i will not say anything and we have that open communication and we can talk everything and anything under the sun.You know what i like you the most is that when you can be what you are in front of me and not pretending to be a real and perfect person.You came out from your shell and LOVED the life that you have with me but we both know that life is not going to be easy for the both of us and i was hoping and praying that one day everything will be OK.I LOVED the way you treated me as your girl and never felt that i was only your other woman.The sweetness that you have,the simplicity of your personality,the way you talk and carry yourself,the way you seduce me  and especially if your already wearing your FATIGUE uniform KILLS me everyday even if i cannot see you.I don't really know whats there in you that made me LOVE you like this.Every time my heart beat goes fast and feels nervous i don't know why and how that i know something is happening to you and that fast heart beat will not stop until im sure that your completely OK.I gave you the life that i have cos you deserve to have a better one and i don't want to life a better life alone knowing that i can give you the same life that i have just to let you experience the things that you never did before.I told my self that seeing you happy and contented makes me happy then why i will not make you happy.I'm just so lucky that you came into my life and put colors on it.We have only one life to enjoy and i did it already and im ready when the time comes that GOD will take my life away from me.I don't know why im afraid of you,never came into my mind to do things that will make you angry nor upset with me although i know that im a hardheaded lady but when it come to you no question ask i cannot do thing with out your permission.Even simple things i have to consult it to you before doing it.You are the one who is deciding for my daily life from head to foot and i loved it coz i know that you really loved and concerned about me, i asked you the question one time why for all the ladies who came into your life im the only one whom you cared that much and you told me that because you LOVED me that much.I know that there were times that you want to be beside me all the time and i have the same feelings too but because of our complicated situation we just enjoyed every time that we spend together.The TRUE LOVED we have for each other will last forever in our heart,Building collapse,time,months passed by,people die but my love that i felt for you will always be in my heart.But what is the answer of the question that when two people have so many common things in life but yet an still they end up giving way for each other despite the fact that they both really love each other so much.

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