Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ThAnK YoU FoR CoMpLeTiNg My LyF,,,,,

Time is running past and its been 16 yrs when we had our 1st relationship and it was 1995, when you came into my life.We have the same school,the same group of friendz ,the same sorority,that's why we never thought that we will have a relationship coz we already enjoyed each others company as firendz.Suddenly wind change and you courted me and we became lovers.We enjoyed so much together even we have a simple life every day,but one day i walk away from you without saying anything, do some things that you don't want me to do just for the reason that i get bored on the relationship that we have.I thought that day that i walk away from you, you will run after me but you did not coz you don't have that courage in you.You where thinking that I don't love you coz you did not feel it from me but you where wrong.Your the reason why i had a experiences happens in my life. I leave the province from where we grow up and look for my self in other places but every time i go back home the 1st thing i will do is to search for you for 3 straight years but i did not found you,on the other hand your doing the same thing also and you felt alone the time that you finished your college.You spend your time at the farm and to drink everyday.And after sometime i had my life with another man but i did not stop loving you.I had a very bad experiences on the relationship that i have.Everyday of my life i suffering not only from him but deep inside my heart i carrying the burden and regrets that i did not say sorry to you for what i have done.I was with another man trying to escape from my family and thought that i will have a better life but i was wrong.For a year that were together everyday of my life we always fight although  god knows that i try my best to become a good partner but he was looking for a perfect person which i not.He abuses me physically,emotionally,mentally, and spiritually.That is the worse experience that i have in my life.Until one day he went home from his training and when opened the door he saw my writing a letter and it was too late to hide it from him, i just trying to release the pain that is inside my heart and it was address to you.I burned the letter but too sad half of the letter was not burned and he took it and read the letter since that day he never stops asking me about you and started another burden with him.It end up on leaving him and have my life alone.One day i went home to VRC and saw you at the FAIRY BOAT and we did not talk that much i don't know why and then i did not saw you again.I left the country to work and start a new life and after 2 year i went home for vacation and i saw you again at the market we hold hands and did not say anything and then i leave again, as you told me you want to hug me from your heart but your mind doesn't want because you thought that i still have a relationship with the same guy.I went back again to KSA to work until one day i received an SMS from PHILIPPINES and i was so shock it was you saying hello to me in 2005 and from that time we started to have a constant communication.Every time i went home to have vacation and we saw each other the good thing between us is that we still good friends and felt the same thing even though time passes by we never felt it that way.The relationship that we have went deeper and i felt that you completed the missing part of my life and give me the love that i was looking for for such a long time.I loved you for who you are and was so happy and contented even if i know that it was very complicated but you never let me felt it that way.You treated me like a princess of your life and never felt that i was oly your 2ng highest priority but i never complain because i know that you already committed with somebody else and i was not there all the time coz im working outside and i was only going home for an month.Until one day you decided to go with me and give me your name but we both know that if that day will come everybody will hate us and get affected.Still you told me that you can fight for me even if you will die coz you don't want to loose me for the second time.Were old enough to decide for our lives and you told me to hold on for the love that we have for each other and everything will be OK.You started planning our life and decide to come back again in KSA to work to prepare for our future.I was so happy on that day that you ask me if im going to marry you and we have the same feelings.Giving me the love that i was looking for and making my life happy even for a while will always be in my heart.As you said that whatever happens the love that you felt for will always be the same even if you go on another life in heaven.We both say that "We rather die than leaving with somebody else" but what happened why your not beside me anymore.

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