Saturday, July 2, 2011

wHy DoEs LoVe aLwAys FoRgIvEs eVeN He HuRts YoU MuCh....

Especially when it comes to love. Sometimes fate throws two lovers together only to rip them apart. Sometimes the hero finally makes the right choice but the timing is all wrong. And, as they say, timing is everything. Looks like this story might just have a second act. Let's hope it's not a tragedy." - 

"it's a refining process, though, falling in love. what didn't work the first time won't work the second time. or the third. but in fourth love there will probably be aspects of first and second." -

"I keep letting you back in. How can I explain myself? As painful as this thing has been, I just can't be with no one else or I just don't want somebody else but you????" - 

"Honestly, could it be, you and me, like it was before, neither less or more? Cause when I close my eyes at night, I realize, no one else could ever take your place in my heart till the day I die." 

"If it's real . . . if it's true love . . . then it will always be there. You can pretend it's gone and even move on. But that love, it's still there in the depths of your mind. Sometimes a single object or a song triggers it all and you're right back where you started . . . in the arms of the one you lost."

"I always knew that we were somehow meant to be. We don't belong apart, we've seen our lives without each other and we've realized it's just not right like that. We're supposed to be together but because of the people surrounds us especially you who had a tiny brains and cannot understand us.

"As soon as I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for you again, I fell."

"I pull away but i always fling right back."  "stuck on you"

"After what seemed like an eternity of not quite fitting together, we suddenly fit."

"I need you to trust me and believe me when I tell you that my heart is with you. Part of me feels like ever since we got back together you've been waiting--waiting to push me away." 

"After all the stops and starts, we keep coming back to these two hearts. Two angels rescued from the fall, and after all that we've been through, it all comes down to me and you. I guess it's meant to be, forever, you and me, after all." 

"'Its an interesting feeling you know?''What knowing its over?''No being the only guy in the world who knows its not.'

"Leaving you was the hardest thing I've done in 100 years. I swear, it hurts me more than you felt and it would be the greatest regret i will have for the rest of my life ,I will never fail you again. I'm so sorry." 

"Look I know that you're probably scared, and I would be too, but it's different now. Things are different and complicated than it was before and this time we have to be more careful otherwise i have to make a choice to let you have your own way in life and go on with mine.I'm, I'm different cause i know that you will always be in my heart but this time after what happened i always put on my mine that if your here then your here but if your not then you are not with me and i will never get  involve with you again the same i was.(lesson learned already)" 

"What happened between us, everything, the way it is, isn't anyone's fault, And even though everything's changed, some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice in my heart cause you will always have the same place as before with or without you by me side.

"This time, there's no fucking break but i have to accept the consequences and advantages of it and i know it will  hurt me more." 

"i thought it was over between you and i. the stars had burnt out; the river ran dry. I thought it was gonna be the end, but now i'm afraid i'm falling again."

"See, that's the thing about second chances. It's two people that are there for each other and support each other and care about each other no matter how much they want to deny it. It's about one person doing everything they can to make sure the other doesn't fall and vice-versa. Second chances are about holding on to that other persons hand no matter how hard they beg to let go." 

"On my mind, you were right there all the time. I could search and never find someone that does me like you do. Here's the part where I'm giving you my heart. I was a fool to let you go girl.", "Does that blue moon ever shine on you"

"Relationships are like broken glass... sometimes its better to leave the pieces broken... rather than hurting yourself trying to put them back together but this one did not work to her cause she rather put it back into one piece and make your life horrible that you ever have rather than seeing you happy with the one you really love, it means she doesn't love you the way it should be because she treated you as a thing that she owns.Love is not SELFISH.(shes dull enough to understand the real meaning of it)"

"I don't know, it's like we're two halves of the same person, or something. And when we're apart we...we just aren't happy." 

"Sometimes starting over is harder than starting from scratch."

"Look, I don't know exactly what it would mean for us to be together... but can you look at me and tell me you're not the least bit curious. You're at the same crossroads you were years ago. Claim your life this time. Live it the way you want to live it." 

"Sometimes a feeling you start to have again is one you never stopped having."

"And then we just clicked again...we talked again like we used to, we called every night, we hung out like it was no big deal when we really knew it meant everything. And for that certain time, it was like nothing had changed, it was just like it should be. But as I look back on the memories I realize that we have changed, in great ways. And I guess that's not so bad, because that's what makes these times so incredible."

"If you had it once, you can always get it back and this is really true and proven already by certain persons who are close to me.." 

"It's just...a feeling. I don't know, something's shifted. It's like, um, maybe we both know that if we came together again it must be for a reason." 

"When two lovers keep going back to each usually means it was meant to be."(Does this one is true?could anybody prove it to me?)

"Maybe I wasn't asking you to love me, maybe I was asking you to understand, because for so long I've been hurt and for so long you've ignored it, and maybe it is bad timing, but maybe, I don't care. I've been here all along just waiting, waiting for you to notice, waiting for you to care. Waiting for you to say that you've been waiting too, and you haven't and maybe you never will or maybe you're afraid to. But it all hurts the same, and in the end, I'm the one that's left broken and when I lay down to sleep, I'm still the one crying, so screw the bad timing. I've loved you then, like I love you now, like I probably always will."

"I'm giving you one more chance to make things last.", "don't leave me"

"There's always room left for an old love to resurface."

"I thought I had lost him for good. Silly me, I should've known love wasn't through with us. I should've known love would bring him back."

"It's not like I forgotten about him. Im  just dealing with the pain...and the crazy thing about it is: I take him back, but the fool in him that walked out is the fool who just won't ask."

"Sometimes there could be a second chance, cause maybe time wasn't ready for the first one."

"We do this, over and over again, we can't keep doing this, letting go and running back, we can't keep doing this, but we do..."

"A million miles away from the world I knew. Who'd ever thought it'd lead me back to you?" - "you take me home"

"In the end, you always go back to the people that were there from the beginning."

"And maybe I tried too hard, but I didn't want to miss my chance to dance with you, to hold you, to make you remember what it was like between us." 

"It's gonna take a lot more than symbols to get back what we had. And right now, I don't even know if I want it." 

"If we weren't meant to give things another try, our paths, our thoughts, would not keep crossing and we would not keep tripping over our feelings for each other."

"Maybe the fact that we hate each other, even if we cannot show it to each other that we hate each other,is because we still love each other."

"we started with sex last time and it didn't go very well. Plus, the waiting is fun. And we need fun. And, I wanna be bright and shiny."

"So maybe it all happened for a reason, you going with her, me going with him and in the end you and I going back to each other."

"people always leave, but sometimes they come back and hopefully when we come back to each other and gave the second nor third chances will last forever this time.There is no fairy tale exist in the world but I will lost nothing in hoping who knows one day it will happen and we will have a happy ending.

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