Wednesday, May 25, 2011

iM sTiLL mIssInG YoU UnTiL NoW & PaIn Is sTiLL ThErE.... & wHy iT EnD Up THiS WaY?

I tried to convince myself I didn't want you anymore.
I just can't let go.
I don't want to see you move on, but I'm not doing much about it either.
You're two different people and I wish it would stop, because I'm living to die and dieing to live, but it doesn't mean a thing to me, until I have you. I felt so good when I was with you, you made me feel like the world; to hear i was your favorite and the best you ever had. You were not ashamed and would hold my hand, kiss me & even be with me anywhere despite of the complicated situation that we had.. We'd talk on the phone for hours,we txt every minute of the day and there is no day will pass that we did not have a communication even though were miles away from each other and every time we kissed it felt like i was dreaming. Love felt like heaven when I was with you; and now that you're gone I'm hurting like hell. I miss you so much, and I wish you were here, but I don't know what is the reason behind why it came to this situation in which we both now that we never had an argument or discussion no mistakes had been made and still i lost you, but i don't if it is forever -- but you didn't loose my love because i loved you ever since the day i met you and ill never forget you, because to me, you are the WORLD

I don't know if i miss YOU or if i just miss the feeling of knowing someone loves me as much possibly more than i love them and give me the love that i was longing for and accept me for who really am and having the feeling when the one i love defends me and is always there for me when i need them... i don't think you realize how much i miss being able to just go to you, being able to tell you anything and you actually understand or trying to as much as you can.. i miss that little feeling i got when i was with you!!

I miss u when the sun goes down, I miss u txting me when I'm trying to sleep, I miss u going to my work because you always send me a message where I am to make sure that I'm safe , I miss u touching me an making me smile and make me laugh,I miss you when your cheering me up and make my day complete, I miss u so much it hurts an everyday my heart breaks all over again cause I know u are with her! Yet I still miss you...

Before I met you I had no clue what love was all I cared about was myself. Then we found each other and I truly found out what love was. Food lost its flavor, the whole world became hazy to where I don't even remember much of what happened. The only thing that mattered was you and being able to put my arms around you. We didn't even need to say anything, just stand next to each other and share our body heat. My true weakness was in your smile. Your face made me realize that everything was OK in the world and I honestly thought that this had to be heaven. Then when she left me it was honestly the worst feeling in the world. I felt like dieing, no, worse, I felt like dieing 1000000 times or ripping my heart out of my chest hoping and praying that if I did that I wouldn't hurt so much. Loosing a lover is the worst feeling in the world and it does the worst things to you. Ever since then I have never really expressed my self fully in fear that I would feel that kind of pain again.

Now I'm still trying to cope up with the thing to have my normal life again and try to put your memories in the past in which I know that I is hard for me & every now & then I'm missing you and have the same pain in my heart.I have to sacrifice my own happiness just to see you have and have a happy life.One day everything will be OK again....

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