Thursday, May 12, 2011

LeT Go,,,,,ShOuLD I??????

 is that when you let go a tree, the whole forest will come after you...

you have not live till you have loved

Yes that's what a dear friend told me when I was heart broken. Dumped by a man whom I thought was everything and completed my life. I was naive, blind by the love I felt for him and probably too in love. Those Disney fairy tale cartoons should never be watched without parental guidance. Happily ever after, is there such a thing in our generation? Granted that mistress isn't a normal occurrence in the world.

Lost, emptiness, confusion, denial, hatred, anger etc.....

I read that in your life, you will get dumped once; you'll dump someone once too. I think I achieved that quota already. I didn't actually dump anyone and I guess I was lucky that asshole who dumped me wasn't someone important after all.

At first it hurts so much, I couldn't sleep, eat or think. It hurts so much; I would bite on my own lip and bang my hands on the wall crying. It even came to the point that I want to end up my life for three times drinking lots of medicine, Clorox, and I remember the last one I took 60 capsules of sleeping pills. Friends, office mates were worried, family were by my side even though they are miles away from me. I read one article of Cleo Malaysia that says the duration that your heart will heal from the wounds would be the formula below:

Duration of being together / 2 = the duration to heal

I still remember that I lost so much weight and even thought of taking the easy way out. A friend met me up and told me that I should let this tree go so that a whole forest will come after me. That quote stuck onto me like quicksilver until one day I woke up and the pain wasn't is getting less and hoping one day it will be gone. I don’t have any plans at this time to replace you in my heart I will let the wounds completely healed because 16 yrs is not a joke. Later while time is passing by I just let it flow and if there's really a person who meant for me and written in my destiny  Ill think about it if I'm going to cross the bridge or Ill just let it pass by. I cannot bear another pain Id rather live alone than having someone who will just hurt the feeling I have.

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