Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm hoping that when the right time comes you will find time to read all the blogs that i wrote just for you and remember ll the good memories we made and not hate me for posting most of the details of the love story we had. One day you will thank me for doing every thing to you and letting you go to give you a peaceful life. Sacrificing my own happiness and the unconditional love that i have for you is the greatest regrets of my life knowing that the person i love and cherish the most is not with me anymore and I'll keep your place in my heart hoping that one day you will find me again and meet on the same road to continue what we have.I do misses you and I'll will feel the pain over and over again but I'll try to bear all the pain rather than seeing you having the same pain I have.I'll cry every moment that you came in my thought and remembering all the memories we shared.The wounds will not heal until the day I die and I can always feel it like a stub of a knife in my heart.You teared my heart into pieces and God knows if i can put it back again into one piece, if I would have another choice to make it easier for me not to feel the pain I would but how?One day, in Gods will will meet again I might have all the answers of all the questions i have.I will continue to love you the same way I did before and continue living my life normally as i can be.I Love and miss you so much not to hate nor angry with you....

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