Thursday, July 7, 2011

YoU aLoNe CaN UnDeRsTaNd wHat I MeAn wItH ThIs....

My Heart Beats for You, But Later That Beat Could Mean
A Lifetime Of Tears Wasted
On Something I Knew I Could Never Have...

How Can You Be Friends With Someone
If Every time You Look At Them It Makes
You Want Them Even More?

My Heart Was Taken By You,
Broken By You And Now
Is In Pieces Because Of You
As Part Of You Has Grown In Me,
Together Forever Shall We Be,
Never Apart Maybe In Distance But Not In Heart.

Its hard to tell your mind to stop loving
someone if your heart still does.
Even when I pour my heart out to you,
I'm not sure it shows,
that I love you more than you'll ever know.

Sometimes it's hard to love someone
because you're so afraid of losing them
I know in reality we can't be together,
so I just close my eyes and you're right here with me...
in my dreams you're mine forever.
I was reborn when you first kissed me.
Part of me died when you get cold on me.....
But now I still live, waiting for the day you return to me.
And bring back the time that we have before..
You are always there for me
and so you give me the courage to stand alone.

Should I Smile Because You're My Friend
Or Cry Because Thats All We'll Ever Be?

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