Tuesday, May 10, 2011

wHaT Is LoVe?

That Is Love

Love is a strange and beautiful thing,
It spans time and space, distance is no object to love.
You will wait forever for the one you love,
Travel wherever you need to be with them.
When you are in the arms of the one you love,
That love can make a moment last a lifetime,
Yet make a lifetime seem no more than a moment.
When love is distant it grows strong,
When it returns it flowers.
People crave it, strive for it, fight for it, and die for it,
And when they find it, they know they are complete.
For in the arms of the one we love is wholeness,
Belief, completeness, passion, and security.
The one we love is someone for whom we would do anything,
And never ask for anything in return.
It produces a love of all that person is and will ever be,
Regardless of what that may mean to me.
Love knows that when you are away,
That you are still loved, cherished, thought after, and missed
By the one you love,
And they know that you love them back.
That is Love.
This is love for me and you know that i was so contented on the love,time, and effort that you gave to me and never ask for anything.Being with me during the time that i was there every time i had my vacation and spending it with you completed every time,minutes,seconds, that i was miles away from you.For loving me truly is more than enough and i know from where i put my self cos i cannot take the unconditional love that you gave to your kids.I love you with my open arms and no questions about it just to be with you and express what i felt so that in the end i will not have any regrets in my life that i did not show you what i felt.Take care always and you will always have the same place in my heart.Bear it always....

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